You know that feeling when you put too much food in your mouth and now you have to somehow find a way to get it to your stomach without choking?
Yeah, that’s kind of where I’m living right now.
I’m a full-time seminary student with the equivalent of three part-time jobs.
Needless to say, life’s busy.
My alarm goes off every morning at 5:45 am. At least twice a week I’m out the door by 7.
The day of the week dictates which direction I drive. Three mornings it’s at 45 minutes in rush hour traffic.
I need eight days in a week just to fulfill my commitments.
And this was supposed to be the year of peace.
Let’s all laugh together.
Yeah. About that.
The other afternoon, nothing was being accomplished off my to do list.
Everything wanted to get done.
It was jumping off my to do list shouting at me!
But nothing was doing itself and my brain couldn’t focus on any one thing long enough to complete it.
I needed a break.
I needed a nap.
So I did.
I put down my homework, turned off my computer, put my phone on silent, and laid down on my bed.
My to do list followed me.
This time in my head.
It shouted ideas at me relentlessly.
It told me about how much there was to do and how I needed to use that time diligently to get it all done.
I shouldn’t be napping. I should be accomplishing something.
In my head my to do list bickered over its level of importance.
I offered it a choice word:
It’s the Hebrew word for a deep peace, completeness, and quiet.
It’s the word used in Isaiah 9:6 to describe Jesus as the Prince of Peace.
Instead of dwelling in the chaos of my world, I chose to dwell in the peace of my Savior.
Every time my to do list popped up, I silenced it in the name of Jesus.
Instead of entertaining the stress, the prioritizing, and the idea circulating, I spoke peace over it.
I declared peace over it.
That’s what the scripture says
“Seek peace and pursue it.” (Psalm 34:14)
Peace isn’t usually something we receive.
It’s something we have to pursue, something we have to bring, sometimes even something we have to fight for.
But it’s worth it.
As we seek Jesus this Christmas, let’s seek the peace He brings.
Advent Activity
Take a minute and put down your phone.
Take a deep breath.
Speak “Peace” over your chaos.
Every time your mind wanders, bring it back to the word “Peace.”
Sit in His presence with that word on your lips for as long as you can.
Then stay there a little longer.
Feel it. Breathe it. Know it.[/specialbox]
What does it look like for you to dwell in peace? I’d love to hear your story in the comments.
[specialbox]If you’re like me, you need a constant reminder to dwell in peace.
I put the Psalm 34:14 verse on the lock screen of my phone so I see it every time I go to do something. It’s making a difference. I’d love to share it with you.
If you give me your email address, I’ll send you two new iPhone lock screens to help you dwell in peace.