Thanks for sharing your email address. I know this is a big deal, so I promise only to share things I think you’ll appreciate.
In your email is a link to some free resources.

On the days when it’s hardest for me to connect with God, I’ve found that worksheets and conversations starters really help, so there are some of those headed your way.
Plus my days get hectic (can I get an “Amen?”), so I like having constant reminders of His love right in front of me. Like a peaceful, calm lock screen. I’m sending you some of those too.
Let’s also connect on Instagram. There you’ll find content that’s encouraging and uplifting. But also #WackyWednesday is funny, and I like to make fun of the Minnesotans (they’re not offended, I’ve checked).

Every other Monday I host a podcast called Have Hope; Will Travel. When we travel, the world becomes smaller because we get to know people who are different than we are. You can find it on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, and your favorite podcasting app. Yes, each episode is also transcribed.
Oh, and I’ve written a couple of ebooks. One’s about the year I lived as a nomad in Latin America and the other’s for the days when hope feels impossible. They’re both on Amazon.
Phew, ok, I think that’s all the things.
Check your email for the links to those freebies.
I’m excited to get to journey with you. Thanks for being here, new friend!
Love, Katie